November-December 2017: The Divided University

New Journal of Academic Freedom Editor and Call for Papers

By Kelly Hand

The AAUP is pleased to announce the appointment of Rachel Ida Buff as the new faculty editor of the online Journal of Academic Freedom. Buff, who will begin her term as editor with the ninth volume of JAF, is a professor of history, director of the Cultures and Communi­ties Program, and coordinator of the Comparative Ethnic Studies Program at the University of Wis­consin–Milwaukee. Her research interests include immigrant rights and itinerant histories.

Buff is the author of Immigra­tion and the Political Economy of Home: West Indian Brooklyn and American Indian Minneapolis, 1945–1992 and the forthcoming Against the Deportation Terror: Organizing for Immigrant Rights in the Twentieth Century. She has written articles for a range of academic and popular journals and blogs, including Jewschool, and edited the volume Immi­grant Rights in the Shadow of Citizenship. She was active in the formation of the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee AAUP chapter—of which she served as president—and the Wiscon­sin AAUP conference, and she currently serves on the AAUP’s Committee on College and Univer­sity Governance.

Buff has issued a call for papers for volume 9 of JAF, seeking scholarly articles that explore “cur­rent mobilizations of the term free speech and their connections to existing practices and concepts of constitutionally protected speech and academic freedom.” Sug­gested areas of focus include the relationships between free speech and academic precarity, identity, and labor; campus discourses; globalization; and social media and communications. For additional details, please review the call for papers on page 42 of this issue.

The Journal of Academic Free­dom, which receives funding from the AAUP Foundation, is freely available online at The eighth volume, edited by Jennifer H. Ruth, was published in September 2017.