Support for State Conferences

Funding for state conferences has two components: 1) per capita distributions and 2) conference development grants. 

Per Capita Distribution

Per capita funds provide baseline funding for state conferences. Each year, 6.41 percent of advocacy dues and 6.41 percent of lifetime membership payments are set aside in a fund to support state conferences. Two-thirds of this fund is distributed to conferences on a per capita basis.

Conference Development Grants

Please direct any questions to [email protected].

Conference Development Grants are intended to provide funds for conference campaigns and projects that advance the AAUP’s mission and strategic priorities. The grants from these funds are intended to support one-time and/or significant campaigns or projects of a state conference. It is not expected that every conference will apply for (or be awarded) a Conference Development Grant every year. State conferences are only eligible to receive one grant per calendar year.

Strategic Goals for Grants

  • Increase the number of active chapters in a state
  • Accelerate growth in chapter membership or organizing capacity (advocacy or collective bargaining)
  • Build state conference capacity
  • Support new collective bargaining organizing campaigns

Application Guidelines

Grants are awarded by the AAUP Council. Council will review grant applications at their quarterly meetings, which generally occur in the following months: March, June, August, and November (check our events page for specific dates). We accept applications on a rolling basis but encourage applicants to submit them at least a month in advance of a quarterly meeting to ensure prompt review.

The application must follow these basic guidelines and include a description of how the campaign or project supports an ongoing campaign, project, and/or advances the strategic goals of the AAUP more generally. The application should provide a brief synopsis of the campaign or project plan and timeline, along with the names and contact information for members who will participate in executing the campaign or project. The application must include an itemized budget for the campaign or project. In addition to the campaign or project description, the AAUP Council will take into consideration each conference's financial resources, so please include the most recent annual financial report and, if appropriate, a very brief explanation why additional resources are needed.

Reporting Requirements

A report to the AAUP on the status of the campaign or project is required one year after the project is funded. For larger grants, the AAUP may require a mid-year check-in on campaign or project progress.

Please send any inquiries regarding Conference Development Grants to [email protected].