Publications & Media

Executive Power Watch

Our Executive Power Watch monitors executive action that weakens democratic society by targeting students, faculty, and campus workers in American colleges and universities.

Executive Order: Banning Ideas and Concepts in K-12

Executive Order: Privatizing K-12 Education

Executive Order: Antisemitism

Executive Order: Weaponizing Civil Rights Law

Executive Order: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility

Executive Order: Gender Identity

Executive Order: Women's Sports


Academic Freedom on the Line

This newsletter examines academic freedom, its role in democratic society, and what is lost when academic institutions face politicized attacks on institutional autonomy and shared governance. Views expressed are those of the authors, and not the AAUP.

Podcast mini-series

Academic Freedom on the Line

The special podcast series of AAUP Presents will explore what we're really defending when we defend academic freedom. The series posits that the attacks on higher education we are seeing today aren't just about the institutions in the news; rather, they are one front in a broader struggle over public life, civil rights, and the future of civil society.

Action Reports

Pandya, Sachin and Isaac Kamola. "Responding to Freedom of Information (FOI) Requests at Public Universities." Action Report #1, Center for the Defense of Academic Freedom, AAUP, July 8, 2024.

Kamola, Isaac. "Responding to Turning Point USA (TPUSA) and Other Provocative Student Groups on Campus." Action Report #2, Center for the Defense of Academic Freedom, AAUP, October 31, 2024.

Habash, Tariq. "Trump Can't Actually Dismantle the Department of Education, but His Policies Still Threaten Us All." Action Report #3, Center for the Defense of Academic Freedom, AAUP, February 13, 2025.

MacLean, Nancy. "The American Council of Trustees and Alumni: A Little-Known Driver of the Attacks on Academic Freedom and Shared Governance." Action Report #4, Center for the Defense of Academic Freedom, AAUP, March 11, 2025.

Proffitt, Jennifer, Tim Cain, and Risa Lieberwitz, Isaac Kamola (ed.) "Navigating Post-Tenure Review Through Shared Governance and Collective Bargaining: Lessons from Florida State University." Action Report #5, Center for the Defense of Academic Freedom, AAUP, March 14, 2025.

Prall, Ethan and Isaac Kamola (editors) "Understanding the Law and Policies for Grant Terminations for the National Science Foundation." Action Report #6, Center for the Defense of Academic Freedom, AAUP, March 25, 2025.

White Papers

Kamola, Isaac. “Manufacturing Backlash: Right-Wing Think Tanks and Legislative Attacks on Higher Education, 2021–2023.” American Association of University Professors, May 2024.

This white paper examines the one hundred and fifty bills introduced during the 2021, 2022, and 2023 state legislative sessions seeking to actively undermine academic freedom and university autonomy. This includes nearly one hundred academic gag orders as well as bills undermining campus diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), bills weakening tenure and accreditation, and legislation mandating “viewpoint diversity” and academic programming. This white paper examines the network of right-wing and libertarian think tanks, working closely with Republican politicians, that pushed this legislative attack as part of a manufactured culture war backlash against educators and academic institutions.

Executive SummaryFull report (PDF).
Comprehensive overviews of the report are available at Inside Higher EdThe Conversation, and Exposed by CMD.