
Rules Governing Committee Appointments

Appointments to standing committees are ordinarily for a term of three years; the terms of approximately one-third of the members of each committee expire each year. By Council action in June 1977 (as amended in November 1988), appointments to a “second consecutive three-year term shall be occasional; a third consecutive three-year term shall be rare.” An appointment may be extended beyond nine consecutive years only in extraordinary circumstances and subject to ratification by the Executive Committee and the Council. Appointments are made by the president of the Association, who has the advice of members of the Association, the general secretary, and other members of the staff.

In addition to standing committees, there are special committees (including advisory committees and Association business committees) whose members serve ex officio or are appointed by the president according to regulations established by the Council.

The Constitution provides that the president shall be ex officio a member of all committees except the Nominating Committee, the Election Committee, and the Election Appeals Committee.