

Organizing for a Just and Democratic Future
The current attack on higher education is part of a broader assault on labor, public goods, and democracy itself.
Academic Freedom, Democracy, and the Role of Faculty Unions
The challenges we face in the second Trump administration require new ways of talking about the value of higher education and academic freedom.
Trump Is Revealing Our Higher Ed Crisis
Legal experts weigh in on the implications of the president’s executive orders.
Understanding the Evolving Culture-War Vernacular
A manufactured moral panic has created the conditions for Trump to radically remake public education.
Faculty Governance and the Fight for Public Higher Education
As the faculty’s role in governance comes under growing attack, AAUP members in Texas and elsewhere are mobilizing to defend this bulwark of academic freedom.
Higher Education and the Defense of Democracy
Colleges and universities must confront the ideology of ignorance.

Chapter Profile

Wayne Academic Union
Faculty members and academic staff at Wayne State University voted to form a union in 1972, and the combined bargaining unit mobilized to win a new contract in 2024.

From the Archives