Fall 2020: The COVID-19 Crisis

New AAUP Leaders

By Kelly Hand

The AAUP announced in July the results of a mail ballot election in which AAUP chapter and section delegates elected Irene Mulvey of Fairfield University as president, Paul Davis of Cincinnati State Technical and Community College as vice president, and Christopher Sinclair of the University of Oregon as secretary-treasurer. Chapter and section delegates also elected Nivedita Majumdar of the John Jay College at the City University of New York and Glinda Rawls of Western Michigan University as at-large Council members.

In a statement about her election, Irene Mulvey said, “I am grateful to President Rudy Fichtenbaum for his steady and forward-looking leadership over the last eight years and to the other members of the leadership who are stepping down at this time. Thanks to these dedicated colleagues, the Association is ready for anything. We are prepared for the challenges of the moment. In addition, this particular moment provides us with an opportunity to put forward a progressive vision for the future of higher education. We will seize this opportunity to press for a renewed commitment to higher education as a common good.”

A detailed tally of the election results and information about election rules and procedures appear on the AAUP website at https://www.aaup.org/2020-election-information.