Association Business Committees

The following committees help guide the business of the Association. Members serve ex officio or are appointed by the president.

Association Investments Committee
Audit Committee
Election Committee
Election Appeals Committee
Grievance Committee
History of the Association
Nominating Committee   
Organization of the Association
Panel on Chapter and Conference Sanctions

Association Investments Committee

Advises the treasurer on the conservation and investment of surplus funds of the Association. 


Matías Fontenla (Economics)
University of New Mexico, 2024

Nadine Harris, staff

Audit Committee

Reviews the audit of the previous year’s financial records and makes appropriate recommendations to the national council.


Deborah Cooperstein (Biology),
Adelphi University, 2025

Antonio Gallo (Chicana/Chicano Studies)
California State University, Northridge, 2025

Nadine Harris, staff

Election Committee

Decides questions that may arise under AAUP election rules, including issues regarding the eligibility of persons to vote in elections, and supervises the counting of the ballots. The committee reports to the national council after each election regarding any complaints filed with the committee, and recommends any policy changes for the national council’s consideration.


Teresa Klein (Psychology)
Del Mar College, 2025

Tina Kelleher (English)
Towson University, 2026

Gregory F. Scholtz, staff

Election Appeals Committee

The AAUP election rules also provide for an Election Appeals Committee.


Maria Bacigalupo (Education)
Curry College, 2024

Stephen Mumme (Political Science)
Colorado State University-Fort Collins, 2024 

John Hinshaw (History)
Lebanon Valley College, 2024

(alternate) Leah Akins (Engineering)
Dutchess Community College, 2024

Aaron Nisenson, staff

Grievance Committee      

Conducts inquiries into allegations by an individual that a professional staff member’s handling of a matter involving the individual was unsatisfactory. The individual’s complaint is forwarded to the committee by the executive director after all internal staff reviews of the matter have been exhausted. The committee reports its findings and recommendations to the president and/or the national council Executive Committee.


Linda Carroll (Italian)
Tulane University, chair, 2024

Diana Rios (Communication/El Instituto)
University of Connecticut, 2024

David Sanders (Biological Sciences)
Purdue University, 2024

Gwendolyn Bradley, staff

History of the Association  

Responds to specific requests for access to those Association records that are available by approval. The committee also provides occasional advice on matters involving record-keeping and archival storage.


Henry Reichman (History)
California State University-East Bay, chair, 2024

Pippa Holloway (History)
University of Richmond, 2024

Noeleen McIlvenna (History)
Wright State University, 2025

Hans-Joerg Tiede, staff


Reviews and makes recommendations to the national Council and the biennial meeting regarding the Association’s membership policies, level of dues, and categories of membership. Each year the committee examines approximately one third of the state conferences enrolled in the Association’s mandatory dues program and recommends reauthorization when appropriate. The committee also explores ways to increase membership.


Tina Kelleher (English)
Towson University, chair, 2026

Alan Revering (Religion)
Curry College, 2025

Catherine Wagner (English)
Miami University of Ohio, 2025

Marlan Maralit, staff

Nominating Committee   

Calls for nominations, informs members of positions up for election, promulgates regulations for nominations and nominators, insures that all nominators are active members, and establishes the election ballot. Submits report for publication.

Brian Turner (Political Science)
Randolph-Macon College, chair, 2026

Julie McLaughlin (Humanities)
Cincinnati State Technical and Community College, 2026

Jeffrey Ogbar (History)
University of Connecticut, 2026

Michael DeCesare, staff

Organization of the Association     

Reviews and advises the national council (and executive committee) on proposed changes in the Association’s internal organization, particularly when such changes require an amendment of the Association’s constitution. The committee formulates the new or revised constitutional language, which it submits for the council’s approval. Proposed constitutional amendments are then published and voted upon at the Association’s next biennial meeting.


Brian Turner (Political Science)
Randolph-Macon College, chair, 2026

Monica Black (History)
University of Tennessee, 2024

Deborah Cooperstein (Biology)
Adelphi University, 2026

James Davis (American Studies)
Brooklyn College, City University of New York, 2025

Hans-Joerg Tiede, staff

Panel on Chapter and Conference Sanctions

The AAUP Constitution establishes standards of conduct for chapters and conferences. If complaint is filed against a chapter or conference alleging breach of one or more of these standards, the executive director attempts to affect a resolution of the complaint. If this is unsuccessful, the matter comes before this panel, which determines merit or the lack of it.  With a finding of merit, the panel may impose a sanction. Revocation of a chapter charter or rescission of conference status is reviewable by the AAUP national council and, in certain circumstances, by the biennial meeting of the Association.


Stephen Mumme (Political Science)
Colorado State University-Fort Collins, chair, 2024

Kate Budd (Art)
University of Akron, 2024

Margaret Goodman (Chemistry)
D'Youville College, 2024

Monica Owens, staff