The results of the AAUP Advocacy Local 6741 of the American Federation of Teachers election for officers and delegates to the 2024 AFT Convention are as follows:
President: Jorge Coronado
Vice-President: Bethany Letiecq
Delegates: Amy Offner, Amy Hagopian, Laura Bray, Marcus Johnson, and Matthew Thomas Miller
In addition, because there was only one nominee for the following positions at the time ballots were to be distributed, the following individuals were considered elected by acclamation:
Secretary-Treasurer: Bill V. Mullen
Executive Committee Members (two uncontested seats): Heather Ferguson and Gabriel Winant
Information About the Election (past)
Nominations were due by Tuesday, March 1, 2024. The offices of president and vice president, and five delegate positions, are contested. The office of secretary-treasurer and two executive committee members are uncontested. See the list of candidates for contested positions and nominees for uncontested positions. See the 2024 Nomination Notice.
Election Notice and Additional Information: The 2024 Officer and Delegate election for AAUP Local 6741 is being conducted by secret mail ballot. Ballots were mailed on March 29, 2024, to members’ home addresses on record with the AAUP. If you do not receive a ballot by Monday, April 8, please call MK Elections at (412) 548-2140. If you would like to check the address your ballot was sent to, if you need to change the home address we have listed for you, or if you do not receive a ballot within 7 days after changing your address, please call MK Elections at (412) 548-2140. All ballots must be received by the ballot pickup on April 29, 2024, or they will not be counted. Further instructions are provided on the ballot itself.
In accordance with provision 16 of the AAUP AFT Local 6741 Election Rules, members may file a formal protest with the Local’s Election Committee concerning “the manner in which [the] election is being or has been conducted.” The members of the Election Committee are: Andrea Gore (University of Texas), Carolyn Fridley (Southeastern Oklahoma State University), and John Hinshaw (Lebanon Valley College). In order to file a formal protest with the Election Committee, please send an email to that is clearly designated as a “Formal Protest.”
Election Resources
AAUP Constitution
AFT Constitution
Local 6741 Constitution and Bylaws
Election Rules
2024 Candidates
Names are listed below in randomized order, as they will appear on the ballot. To see candidate statements and biographies for those who have prepared them, select individual names below that link to .pdf documents.
Jorge Coronado, Northwestern University
Irene Mulvey, Fairfield University (retired)
Vice President
Jonathan H. Rees, Colorado State University, Pueblo
Bethany Letiecq, George Mason University
Secretary-Treasurer (Uncontested)
Bill V. Mullen, Purdue University
Executive Committee Members (Two uncontested seats)
Heather Ferguson, Claremont McKenna College
Gabriel Winant, University of Chicago
Delegates (up to 5 may be selected)
Amy Offner, University of Pennsylvania
Laura Bray, University of Oklahoma
Amy Hagopian, University of Washington
Matthew Thomas Miller, University of Maryland, College Park
Jess Ghannam, University of California, San Francisco
James “Ward” Morrow, University of Maryland
Marcus Johnson, University of Maryland
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can individual AAUP advocacy chapters vote to endorse particular candidates in the AAUP AFT Local 6741 election?
Individual AAUP advocacy chapters should not endorse particular candidates in the Local 6741 election; however, individuals are free to endorse candidates, even if the endorser is a chapter officer, so long as it is clear that the individual is making the endorsement in an individual capacity. By way of example, a provision of the election rules that govern elections to AAUP offices states that “AAUP members who hold office in the Association at any level—national, state, or local—who wish to list their AAUP positions in such an endorsement may do so only if an asterisk is placed next to their name with the following statement: ‘The organizational affiliation is listed for identification purposes only and does not imply any endorsement by the organization.’” (See
2. Can individual AAUP advocacy chapters distribute campaign literature for candidates to their members using their existing listservs or on their social media accounts (without endorsing them)?
Individual AAUP advocacy chapters should not distribute campaign literature/electioneering emails for individual candidates, even if the chapter does not endorse those candidates. However, chapters can distribute links to the Local 6741 website (which contains candidate statements). Chapters can also resend/forward information about the election that the Local sends to all members, with the following exception: chapters should not resend/forward campaign literature or electioneering emails that the Local sends to members on behalf of candidates. In addition, Local 6741 has a system for the distribution of candidates’ campaign literature and electioneering emails; all such requests, including requests for distributions of campaign literature and emails targeted to portions of the membership, should be sent to Local 6741, not to individual chapters.