Cary Nelson

Editor's Introduction - Volume 1

With this issue we introduce a new online project: the AAUP Journal of Academic Freedom. Scholarship on academic freedom—and on its relation to shared governance, tenure, and collective bargainingis typically scattered across a wide range of disciplines. People who want to keep up with the field thus face a difficult task. Moreover, there is no one place to track the developing international discussion about academic freedom and its collateral issues.

Editor's Introduction - Volume 3

With this, the third annual issue of the AAUP Journal of Academic Freedom, we make good for the first time on our pledge to publish essays that carry on a debate with one another. The 2011 volume of JAF opened with two essays highly critical of the pedagogy, philosophy, and politics of the growing assessment and accountability movement—John Champagne’s “Teaching in the Corporate University: Assessment as a Labor Issue” and John W.


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