
Building a Bargaining Survey, Platform, and Narrative

A workshop about communicating bargaining priorities at the table, with members, and in media. Participants will look at platform examples and work on their own bargaining narrative.

Fundamentals of Bargaining

A workshop about the legal framework of negotiations and the mechanics of a strong bargaining team.

Bargaining Proposal Presentation and Writing

A workshop about effective proposal presentation and basic tips for writing language. Participants will also discuss their most successful and challenging proposals.

Contract Language Roundtable

An informal opportunity to talk with staff and members about contract articles, proposal writing issues, and source model AAUP language.

Packaging Proposals and Avoiding Impasse

A workshop about proposal packaging, strategies for avoiding impasse, and mapping an endgame timeline.

Healthcare Bargaining

This workshop covers the basics of bargaining health insurance. Participants will review the core elements of insurance, HRAs and HSAs, how premiums are set, self-insurance, and what information to request. Participants will also discuss common employer narratives about healthcare plans and costs.

Using Your Financial Analysis Report in Bargaining

A workshop about creating a game plan for using financial data and facts to counter your administration's claims.

Dispute Resolution: Mediation, Fact Finding, and Arbitration

An introduction to working with a mediator, the fact finding process, and preparing for arbitration in bargaining.

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