Biennial Meeting Resolutions & Proposals

Resolutions are expressions of opinion by a meeting, not constituting legislative action of the Association, and generally concern subjects of general interest to the academic profession and the public. Proposals concern the internal organization of the Association and the Association’s activities; if a proposal is adopted by the biennial meeting, and concurred in by the Council, the action it proposes becomes the action of the AAUP. Resolutions and proposals are not put forward at every meeting.

How to submit a resolution or proposal

Resolutions and Proposals Passed by the AAUP Member Meeting

(Until 2019, Association meetings were held annually; as of 2020, they are biennial.)

2024 Proposal

2022 Resolution

2020: none

2019: none

2018 Resolution

Not finding what you are looking for? Try also resolutions of the AAUP's Council.