A Warm Welcome to New or Reestablished AAUP Chapters

By Monica Owens

Local power is the basis of change at colleges and universities. In 2024, nearly forty new or reestablished chapters joined the AAUP to build a solid foundation for the organizing work ahead.

Over the past year, faculty formed or reestablished advocacy chapters at Barnard College, California Lutheran University, Harvard University, Haverford College, Indiana University East, Kansas State University, Lamar University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Muhlenberg College, Olin College of Engineering, Princeton University, Rice University, Sacred Heart University, Saint Martin’s University, Sam Houston State University, Southern University at Shreveport, Suffolk University (full-time faculty), Tarleton State University, Texas State University, Texas Woman’s University, Trinity University (Texas), the University of Houston, the University of Michigan–Dearborn, the University of North Texas, the University of Texas at Arlington, the University of Texas at Dallas, the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Washburn University, Westminster College (Missouri), West Texas A&M University, and Yale University.

New AAUP-AFT collective bargaining chapters were certified this year at Bennington College, Chesapeake Community College, Dutchess Community College, Hagerstown Community College, Navajo Tech University, the University of Hawaii, the University of Kansas, and the University of Michigan at Flint.