New Elected Leaders for the AAUP

By Kelly Hand

Delegates to the 2024 Biennial Meeting, representing AAUP chapters and state sections, voted in June for three officers, elect­ing Todd Wolfson of Rutgers University as president, Rotua Lumbantobing of Western Con­necticut State University as vice president, and Danielle Aubert of Wayne State University as secretary-treasurer. Delegates also elected two at-large members of the Council: Paul Davis of Cincinnati State Technical and Community College and Chenjerai Kumanyika of New York University.

In a July email to AAUP mem­bers, the new officers shared their vision for the Association’s role as a unifying force among higher education workers: “We need an organization that understands the problems our chapters face and can offer real material support to them. We will begin this journey by talking to collective bargaining and advocacy chapters to under­stand your needs. We will also build on the historic affiliation with the American Federation of Teachers, so we can multiply each other’s strengths. Then, together, we will build a strong coalition of workers on our campuses and establish a national voice and campaign that transforms higher education into a true public good.”

The new officers and at-large members join Council members elected in 2022, including a third at-large member, Ernesto Longa of the University of New Mexico, and regional members Antonio Gallo of California State University, Northridge (region 1); Karin Rosemblatt of the University of Maryland, College Park (region 2); Donna Murch of Rutgers University (region 4); and Davarian Baldwin of Trin­ity College (region 5). Gretchen McNamara of Wright State Uni­versity is the member for region 3, elected by the Council in February 2024 to complete the term of John T. McNay (University of Cincin­nati–Blue Ash) following his death in October 2023. AAUP elections occur on a staggered schedule every two years for positions with four-year terms. The newly consti­tuted Council began its work with online meetings over the summer.

A detailed tally of the election results and information about elec­tion rules and procedures appear on the AAUP website at