January-February 2016: Media and the Faculty

Important Changes to Your Academe Subscription

By Michael Ferguson

Academe readers: your action may be needed. This summer, AAUP members who do not “opt in” to print subscriptions to this magazine will be automatically switched to digital-only subscriptions. The digital version of the magazine, available at http://www. aaup.org/academe, includes all of the articles found in the print version, plus additional features that are available only on the web. PDFs of entire issues are also available for download (member login required).

Changing reading habits mean that many people now spend more time reading articles online than in print. The new subscription model will allow the AAUP to expand Academe’s digital readership while conserving needed resources. Money saved on printing and postage can be directed to the Association’s core work of advancing academic freedom, shared governance, and the economic security of the academic profession.

We recognize, however, that many members—even those who often read articles online—still like to receive physical copies of Academe by mail. A subscription to Academe, whether digital or in print, is a benefit of membership in the AAUP, and all members will have the option to continue receiving the printed magazine. Information about how to opt in to print subscriptions will be sent to members by e-mail and published in this magazine in the coming months. Paying nonmember and institutional subscribers will continue to receive the magazine in print and do not need to take any action.