


American Universities Must Support Scholars in Exile
Western universities must support scholars from Ukraine fleeing war and those from Russia and Belarus who have faced, or may soon face, exile because of the political climate.
Displaced Scholars as Schrödinger’s Cat
Ukrainian scholars are fighting for survival and striving to preserve their country’s intellectual capital.
Exile as the Cost of Academic Freedom
In Putin’s Russia, exile has become the price for preserving the possibility of speaking openly about public affairs.
The Free Speech Movement at Sixty and Today’s Unfree Universities
There’s nothing outdated about Mario Savio’s critique of the undemocratic nature of university governance and the overweening influence of a rich and powerful elite in that governing structure.
In the Shadow of Vietnam
Last spring’s crackdowns are a legacy of the buildup of police forces and criminalization of student activism dating back to Vietnam-era antiracist and anticolonial liberation movements.
Modeling the World We Seek
The very student protesters who have been targeted in crackdowns on encampments may be showing us the path to peace.

Chapter Profile

Texas AAUP-AFT Conference
A profile of the first state AAUP conference to affiliate with a state AFT federation.

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