Your AAUP membership gives you exclusive access to the expertise of AAUP staff, members, and leaders. Our lineup of guidebooks, toolkits, and webinars put the resources to defend academic freedom, ensure economic security, and advance faculty governance for all faculty at your fingertips.
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Webinars on topics such as strengthening faculty handbooks, good-faith bargaining, working with the media, and other topics of interest.
Toolkits for chapter action that give you the guidelines, sample documents, and other resources you need to advance the faculty voice on your campus. These toolkits will help you organize a stronger chapter, run issue-based campaigns, build a better website, win improvements for faculty collective bargaining agreements, and more.
One Faculty Campaign materials, which equip chapters to advocate for faculty in contingent appointments.
Guidebooks providing in-depth advice about the Family and Medical Leave Act, pregnancy in the academy, and faculty handbooks as enforceable contracts.
A subscription to Academe, the quarterly magazine of the AAUP, which analyzes higher education issues from faculty members’ perspectives. Feature articles examine tenure, affirmative action, contingent faculty appointments, intellectual property, and other timely academic issues.The summer Bulletin issue of Academe contains the year's most important reports. Members can opt in or out of the print edition by following the instructions here.
Thanks to our affiliation with the American Federation of Teachers, all AAUP members are also AFT members and eligible for the full range of AFT's member benefits. Learn more.
AAUP members are eligible for a free account with Summer, a platform designed to streamline the application process for PSLF, and help borrowers get tailored advice for their situation from student loan experts. Learn more here.
Below are links to a webinar on AFT member benefits. If you need your AFT member number or have a question about benefits you can email [email protected] or call 202-393-8643.
AAUP members are entitled to discounts on the following publications.
AAUP's Policy Documents and Reports (widely known as the "Redbook" because of the color of its cover). The forthcoming new edition, the twelfth, includes basic statements on academic freedom, tenure, and due process; academic governance; professional ethics; research and teaching; online education; intellectual property; discrimination; collective bargaining; accreditation; and students' rights and freedoms. (30 percent discount.)
Chronicle of Higher Education. Call the Chronicle's AAUP line at 1-800-728-2803 for the special AAUP discount of 30 percent off subscriptions.
Through an arrangement with the AAUP, Johns Hopkins University Press is offering a discount on four books that treat subjects of special interest to AAUP members: