AAUP Local 6741 of the AFT

This page has information about the nationwide AAUP Advocacy Local 6741 of the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO.

AAUP Advocacy Local 6741 was created as a result of the AAUP’s affiliation with the American Federation of Teachers in 2022. The local’s membership consists of all AAUP advocacy members–that is, AAUP members who are not part of chapters that serve as the bargaining representatives for faculty and other academic employees in union-related activities at their campuses.

AAUP Advocacy Local 6741 includes both advocacy members not in campus chapters (i.e., members of the AAUP At-Large Chapter) and members who are part of a campus advocacy (nonunionized) chapter.

A primary purpose of the local is to provide its members with the opportunity to elect delegates to AFT Conventions. Further information about the local is provided in the local's constitution and bylaws.

Jorge Coronado, President
Bethany Letiecq, Vice President
Bill V. Mullen, Secretary-Treasurer
Heather Ferguson, Executive Committee Member
Gabriel Winant, Executive Committee Member

2024 Election of Officers and Delegates (Past)

In spring 2024, the local conducted elections for officers and delegates to the 2024 American Federation of Teachers Convention. Further information about the nominations and elections process is available here: